Friday, February 13, 2015

Speech reflection WRD111

  I believe I did well on my speech considering the amount of effort I put into preparing it. There are a few things I could have done better.  First of all, dressing up for the presentation should have been a no brainer, and considering my topic, if I had given this speech at an actual pitch, I probably would’ve been shut down in the first thirty seconds.  Secondly, My sentences could have been more eloquent and direct.  As I watched the video of my speech, I cringed every time I heard myself speak in a choppy sentence, or whenever I spent too long between words.  Lastly, my body language and movement could have used some improvement, I feel like I didn’t move around enough.
Other than that I feel that I did well.  I didn’t use too many filler words such as “like” or “um,” and I feel that when I paused intentionally, it made a positive impact on my speech.  Although I feel I could have moved around more, I did a good job of not standing still. I feel I maintained a good level of eye contact with my audience that kept them attentive.  Furthermore, I believe my speech was solid in the fact that I presented all the information that was asked of me including extra background info that I tied in with my speech.  The topic itself was interesting and I feel that even that was enough to get the attention of my audience, and with their attention I was able to convey in the clearest way I could, what exactly my vision and my skills were for my project to become a success.
Next time I need to work on my diction and body language, and perhaps, next time I’ll dress in more “professional” attire.

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