Thursday, February 5, 2015

freewriting 2/5

The best public speaker I have ever heard was the valedictorian for my older sister's graduating class. Oddly enough, she spoke about people's fear of public speaking, and she spoke in a way that encouraged people not to be afraid, but to embrace it.  She began with the fact that world-wide, the number one most common fear people have is public speaking, the second most common being death.  She spoke about how she was at first nervous, but the fact that people would rather die than speak publicly was absurd, so, this girl, who everyone had known to be straight laced, average, every day over-achiever proved that public speaking was not as bad as it is made out to be, by performing her very own rap about the school and it's faculty. The logic in her words was eye opening and I believe it was one of the best presentations I've ever personally witnessed.

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