Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Freewrite 3/3

Dear William,

Hello, It’s me, your backpack. You may be wondering how I am writing this letter but that is irrelevant. I am writing you because I am concerned with the lifestyle choices you are making. You use me, but show no appreciation for what I can do. You stuff me full of papers and clothes to the point of nearly bursting and never once apologized.  Secondly, I recently found out that you’ve been seeing someone else. I have always been faithful, yet you cast me aside for some Camelbak when you feel like a change of pace and to me, that is upsetting. Im just like you, Im a skater, I love to hold boards, whether they’re short, long, street, or snow, I love them, but your stupid camelbak can’t even hold one which is pretty dull if you ask me. I want to stay in your service but we must come to a compromise, as to better our relationship.  I hope you can see the error of your ways and eventually stick with me, but until then, good day.


Your Backpack

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