Friday, February 13, 2015

Speech reflection WRD111

  I believe I did well on my speech considering the amount of effort I put into preparing it. There are a few things I could have done better.  First of all, dressing up for the presentation should have been a no brainer, and considering my topic, if I had given this speech at an actual pitch, I probably would’ve been shut down in the first thirty seconds.  Secondly, My sentences could have been more eloquent and direct.  As I watched the video of my speech, I cringed every time I heard myself speak in a choppy sentence, or whenever I spent too long between words.  Lastly, my body language and movement could have used some improvement, I feel like I didn’t move around enough.
Other than that I feel that I did well.  I didn’t use too many filler words such as “like” or “um,” and I feel that when I paused intentionally, it made a positive impact on my speech.  Although I feel I could have moved around more, I did a good job of not standing still. I feel I maintained a good level of eye contact with my audience that kept them attentive.  Furthermore, I believe my speech was solid in the fact that I presented all the information that was asked of me including extra background info that I tied in with my speech.  The topic itself was interesting and I feel that even that was enough to get the attention of my audience, and with their attention I was able to convey in the clearest way I could, what exactly my vision and my skills were for my project to become a success.
Next time I need to work on my diction and body language, and perhaps, next time I’ll dress in more “professional” attire.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

freewriting 2/5

The best public speaker I have ever heard was the valedictorian for my older sister's graduating class. Oddly enough, she spoke about people's fear of public speaking, and she spoke in a way that encouraged people not to be afraid, but to embrace it.  She began with the fact that world-wide, the number one most common fear people have is public speaking, the second most common being death.  She spoke about how she was at first nervous, but the fact that people would rather die than speak publicly was absurd, so, this girl, who everyone had known to be straight laced, average, every day over-achiever proved that public speaking was not as bad as it is made out to be, by performing her very own rap about the school and it's faculty. The logic in her words was eye opening and I believe it was one of the best presentations I've ever personally witnessed.