Monday, December 15, 2014

Final Reflection Essay

Final Reflection Essay
This semester was a challenge to say the least, but I believe that our final product was worth all the hard work we put into it.  I believe the largest struggle I faced during this project was time management, as I easily could have used much more of my time editing the video. I spent a total of six hours editing film, and the final result is what I am most proud of after all the effort I put into it.  I would have liked to go more into depth about Tiffany, a rider from Honduras, and followed her story leading up to a major event, but the time to do so just wasn’t there. I was personally responsible for the storage and editing, and the recording of film.  I feel like I contributed my fair share of effort towards the completion of this project. I edited in my free time so that we wouldn’t have to stress over it, but I wish I helped communicate more effectively with my group.
I believe I have gained the critical thinking skills necessary during this semester to see the underlying issues and stigmas that are apparent in different arguments and opinionated articles.  I thoroughly enjoyed the way we went through different communication skills, and by doing this, I feel I am able to convey and my thoughts clearly in any way I may have to.  I believe the way class was conducted was a very good way to bring out our individual abilities and I think the public speaking and presentation is the most important part of communicating with others, therefore there is nothing I would do to change this class.  If I could change just one thing about the course, it would be how often we do activities, such as the feet wet speeches we did.

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