Monday, December 15, 2014

Final Reflection Essay

Final Reflection Essay
This semester was a challenge to say the least, but I believe that our final product was worth all the hard work we put into it.  I believe the largest struggle I faced during this project was time management, as I easily could have used much more of my time editing the video. I spent a total of six hours editing film, and the final result is what I am most proud of after all the effort I put into it.  I would have liked to go more into depth about Tiffany, a rider from Honduras, and followed her story leading up to a major event, but the time to do so just wasn’t there. I was personally responsible for the storage and editing, and the recording of film.  I feel like I contributed my fair share of effort towards the completion of this project. I edited in my free time so that we wouldn’t have to stress over it, but I wish I helped communicate more effectively with my group.
I believe I have gained the critical thinking skills necessary during this semester to see the underlying issues and stigmas that are apparent in different arguments and opinionated articles.  I thoroughly enjoyed the way we went through different communication skills, and by doing this, I feel I am able to convey and my thoughts clearly in any way I may have to.  I believe the way class was conducted was a very good way to bring out our individual abilities and I think the public speaking and presentation is the most important part of communicating with others, therefore there is nothing I would do to change this class.  If I could change just one thing about the course, it would be how often we do activities, such as the feet wet speeches we did.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Rise of the NBA Nerd

In the Article “Rise of the NBA Nerd,” I believe that author Wesley Morris is not just making a statement about a new fashion fad that includes dressing like a nerd, but he is making the argument that these changes which are taking place are affecting all areas of black culture and popularity.  
As an Example, Morris uses actor Sammy Davis Jr., better known as “Carlton” from the T.V. show The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. Morris makes the statement that the idea of “a rich black kid” was still quite an unsettling thought to most folks in the 90’s and Carlton was the ideal example of the kind of rich black kid that white people wanted in the 90’s.  His style and demeanor related to, “selling out” or accepting white idealism to many.
Many characters, such as Carlton, and Urkel left a legacy which has even affected today’s culture.  The fact is, many black celebrities, such as basketball players and rappers, have embraced this trending geek sheik, I believe, to convey to the rich black kids out there that wearing nice clothes and acting in a dignified manner is not equivalent to selling out to white idealism, but it is rather an acceptance of self and individuality.  The clothes we wear reflect our personalities, and are used to express ourselves.  
Take for example, the rap group Odd Future or the rapper Childish Gambino. They are a group of rappers who definitely do not fit the rap stereotype, yet they are one of the most distinguished rap groups due to their refusal to conform to the norm.  Due to this refusal, they have become widely known and widely admired by the public, all due to their self representation, and their willingness to act and dress in a manner that does not fit the racial stigma of a “rapper.”
Morris, at least to me, is making the argument that breaking away from the norm has actually helped in expanding developing black culture into something that is not normally thought of, and I strongly agree.  Black culture is more than fighting, rapping, and basketball, it also has a dignified and refined element to it as seen by the statements in fashion and demeanor shown by these individuals.  Black culture will never be the same as long as there are those who are not afraid not to conform.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Scandal or Crime?

I agree with Scott Mendelson in saying that the nude photo leak of Jennifer Lawrence is a "crime." In fact, I believe that the degradation of  any person is wrong, and would even go so far as to say that it is a violation of her basic human rights.
Many people have put the blame on Jennifer Lawrence herself, and have made outrageous claims on the truth behind this issue.  Many people claim that she had leaked them herself in search of media attention. This is not the case. Sensitive photos like these are never meant to be leaked to the public,  to eyes that they were never intended for. The criminals who stole the photos are hailed as kings on the internet, while Jennifer is being mocked by people saying "It's your fault for taking those kinds of pictures." This statement is ignorant in almost every aspect, and is extremely ignorant in it's view of the victim herself.  
The victim of this crime is seen as a "slut" or a "joke," but She did not intend for her photos to be leaked. This is a robbery of personal property and has been seen as a faux pas rather than an actual crime. She should not have to apologize for taking such pictures. If there is an apology to made it should be by the ones who committed the crime.
In conclusion the treatment of this “robbery” has been overall inappropriate by both the media and the 

public eye. Jennifer has not been seen as a victim, which in reality, she is, and the criminals should be punished and not praised.